Monday, July 23, 2007

An analysis on PIZZA

Yes! I remember growing up, that was the only food kids wanted at their parties. No variety, especially when you could choose between cheese and pepperoni. Why don't they just call a cheese pizza a plain pizza? Doesn't pizza automatically come with cheese?

Not only am I a cookie snob, I'm a pizza snob. The best pizza I've ever had is from NYC. There is this one place that my great aunt introduced me to. It has all sorts of interesting pizzas, such as lasagne pizza, salad pizza, and baked ziti pizza. Just writing about them makes my mouth water!

The second best pizza I've ever had is from Mangia Pizza in Austin, Texas. It's a Chicago Deep Dish Style, with the toppings sandwiched in the double crust. It's a little piece of Heaven and for that reason I wish I could have it more often.

So, what makes a pizza place stand out from the rest? Better ingredients, better pizza, or so says Papa John's. I don't know who Papa John's thinks they are fooling. Their pizza is disgusting! For fast food pizza, what would you choose- Pizza Hut, Domino's, Papa John's, Little Caesar's, Cici's (or as my brother likes to call it "Feces Pizza")? I would go with Pizza Hut. Part of it may be sentimental since they gave out free personal pan pizzas for reading books when I was in elementary school.

I think that the crust has a big responsibility for the overall outcome of a pizza. The toppings also need to be evenly distributed. Did they chince you on your favorite ingredient? Be sure to hold it against them next time. For the sheer amount of ingredients, Poppa Rollo's Pizza in Waco is hard to beat. It is loaded so much that you can't see the cheese. I was introduced to it at a young age when my brother, Robert, went to Baylor. To this day, if I'm ever passing through Waco, I try to take him a pizza because he loves it so.

What about frozen pizza? Tombstone, Red Baron, Freschetta, and DiGiornio come to mind quickly- I guess that's effective branding. Freschetta and Digiornio are decent, but it's been so long since I've had a frozen pizza. Their are places, such as Papa Murphy's in Fort Worth, that will make the pizza and you bake it at home. The price is very reasonable, and the product is fine. I wouldn't be giving them any taste awards though.

If you're going to eat pizza, or anything for that matter, make it worth it. This has been an overarching theme in my posts so far. Life is too short to waste on crappy food!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Pizza is also popular in the workplace. Whenever we employees are being rewarded for some grand accomplishment, pizza is brought in and it is always Papa John's which is not bad if you eat the deluxe.