Monday, April 14, 2008

No Social Life = Weight Loss

I admit it. I have been a hermit for the past few weeks and saying no to many dinner invitations. The simple truth is that I can't be trusted when I go out to eat. The bread basket sits there and calls my name and the dessert menu always entices me. Because I know that I am like this when I go out, I have decided to stop having a social life. I do think that it's sad that being social centers around food. The times that I have had self control to go out to eat and stick to a diet plan I've been made fun of with comments like, "Oh, you're just having that???" Well, I'm sorry- but if you want the pleasure of my company than you best be quiet when it comes ordering time (and if you're a guy and order before me, you can say goodbye to hanging out with me again). I think that there is nothing wrong with having fitness goals- especially with the summer just weeks away.


Author said...

Hrm. I've been thinking about your post since you've wrote it. What exactly is your "ideal" weight? I mean I think you are really healthy and look great, but seems like you would prefer for some change?
Also, yes, I totally understand your complaint against social situations and eating. Have you found anything that works well? I've had success when I asked for support from people. No one really ever made fun of the way I ate though. That sucks that happened to you. So let's change the way things are--I'd love your insights! I know you have tons of resources and bet you could come up with something. One thing I've noticed a lot of my fashionista friends doing is drinking vodka and water with a bit of lime. Supposed lower calerie than other drinks?

Unknown said...

You can eat whatever you want, as long as you make up for it later. I just go work out more the next day, or earlier before I go out.

Or you can just not think about it---that sometimes works best too :)

Anonymous said...

Do you remember the scene in Gone With the Wind when Scarlett had to stuff herself before the barbeque because it wasn't fitting for a woman to exhibit an appetite. WELL - you've come a long way, baby. Women are liberated from that. But one thing that manners have held fast on: "It is impolite to comment on how much or how little someone eats." Perhaps you could gently remind people of that politeness.

Social life will forever be set around food. Just remember that it will not be the last bread basket you ever encounter or the last melted chocolate cake you will see in your lifetime. Courage!!