Monday, October 8, 2007

Muscle Milk Part 2

In one of my first posts, I described my love affair with Muscle Milk. Since then, I have converted my sister into a believer too. Have any of you tried it? If not, you have to! Don't worry, you'll thank me.

I have a good friend that just bought a street bike. Consequently, he is getting a lot of cardiovascular exercise. Since he's into keeping his heart rate up, I decided to be nice and give him a Muscle Milk Chocolate Mint pre-made shake. After a few days, I checked in with him to see what he thought of it. To my suprise, he hadn't drunk it yet. He kept "saving it" for after a bike ride. I told him after a few days that if he wasn't going to drink it then he should give it back to me.

A few more days passed. Never had a report with a verdict of Muscle Milk.

A few more days passed. Same story.

After a week and a half, I figured that he hadn't tried it and said, "Ok, I'm going to come over there and get it because you're obviously not interested in it. I know I'll drink it." He replied, "I did drink it. And you're an Indian Giver." Do you know how long it's been since I have heard the term "Indian Giver?" I cracked up for about five minutes! Just thinking about it makes me chuckle. So, thank you friend (you know who you are) for a good laugh.


Anonymous said...

That person is so insensitive. The politically correct term would have been Native American reaquiror.

Anonymous said...

Who's the retard who doesn't know how to spell? See previous comment.

Anonymous said...

I am sure glad that someone went to English class and paid attention.

Main Entry: ac·quire
Pronunciation: &-'kwIr
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Forms: ac·quired; ac·quir·ing
: to come into possession, ownership, or control of : obtain as one's own -the target's directors don't want the company to be acquired —Railroad C. Clark -the court acquired jurisdiction —ac·quir·er also ac·qui·ror &-kwIr-&r/ noun

I believe to re-aquire would be to come into possession of an item that one owned in the past. Not sure who's the retard now????

Anonymous said...

Funny how Captain McDouche still forgot the "c" -- even after quoting the dictionary.