Monday, March 17, 2008

Leave the Cell Phone

I went to the gym yesterday and decided to get a little cardio accomplished on the elliptical machine. The entire time, a chatty woman next to me couldn't seem to get off of her cell phone to actually perspire. There was only so much that headphones could do to drown out her annoying voice, and she couldn't seem to shut up. This went on for 35 of the 40 minutes that I was on the machine. She obviously doesn't have a clue about good cell phone etiquette, or at least talking in a softer voice.

I believe that I have good cell phone etiquette. If I'm checking out at the grocery, I place the person on hold or end the conversation so that I can give the cashier my full attention. If I am at dinner I put my ringer on silent so that I'm not interrupted and so my neighbors won't have to hear the loud "T-mobile" ring. So, what's good gym cell phone etiquette? Well, I typically leave my phone in my car or my locker. The gym is "me" time, and I don't like answering to the world unless I'm expecting a call that cannot wait. In my opinion, if you're really working out, you will be out of breath and not able to talk on the phone anyway. That lady obviously didn't get any aerobic effectiveness from talking on her cell phone for that long!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should fart. . . people tend to want to keep their mouths closed when you let out an egg-y fart.